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Registriert seit: Mar 2013
Sehr guter Beitrag, spricht mir aus der Seele (auch wenn es zum Glück hier und da Ausnahmen gibt, was die Simplizität der heutigen RPG angeht):
"In most cases, the player will feel fairly detached from the actual experience because the in-game auto pilot makes sure you never have to invest any of your own thinking prowess or imagination, or read a single line of dialogue for that matterâ€â€though you will have to click mindlessly through them. [...] Puzzles are exceedingly rare and when you stumble across them, typically at the end of a dungeon, they have the solution already built-in or are of a rather mundane arranging or do-something-in-the-correct-order kind of sort. Anything, really, to make sure the player never gets stuck or even held up for more than a few seconds."
"Alrik war durstig und hat getrunken."
Beiträge: 12.432
Themen: 407
Registriert seit: Aug 2006
12.02.2017, 21:12
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 12.02.2017, 21:13 von Crystal.)
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