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Changing heroes portraits in Blade of Destiny
Hi. :wave:
I've started playing Blade of Destiny (retro version). Generating characters took me a lot of time, as I tried to get the best possible attributes for each one, so I didn't pay too much attention to their faces. I thought I could change their looks afterwards. But it looks like I can't. :(

Is there a way to change their faces? Maybe with some editor or smt?

Angehängte Dateien
.rar   faces.rar (Größe: 408,54 KB / Downloads: 8)
Hi Protoss and welcome on board. :)

The possibility to change faces is given ingame only in Star Trail and Shadows over Riva. In Blade of Destiny we must use hex editors. If you want to wait till you arrive in Star Trail, then you can change the faces on your own - there are also some new faces available too then.
I don't know atm if one of our available editors is written in English. IMO they are all in German and I don't know which is capable to suit your needs... :think:
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Thank's. :)

I've already tried using editors by tommy and 20mithrandir from this thread: (the second one is in English btw), but they don't have this option.
Language is not a problem as long as Google translate exists. :) Hex editors also don't scare me, but I have no clue where the portraits are, and what to change their codes to. I've already found your hex-lists but they contain only inventory items. Is there a list of portraits hex-codes somewhere?
No, such a list doesn't exist. Good idea to create one, as you are the first who ask for a portrait change. Usually we were asked to change the kid faces. But that can't be the same hex adress in the savegame so we have to compare two savegames to see exactly where the game has changed values.
Maybe someone else here has a better idea.
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Really? I assumed it was a common thing, since the game doesn't offer too much pretty faces. :(
You just gave me an idea. I could create two similar characters with different portraits, and compare their *.chr files in hex editor to see where the differences are. Maybe this way I could point out the right code.
I am not sure if blade of destiny is exactly equal to the german game Schicksalsklinge, but our guys of the projekt "reverse engineering of the NLT" have found out a lot. Perhaps Henne or Hendrik can help you. I do not know where the character pictures are located. But you can change a lot if you can deal with hex editors.
Hacke Tau, Kumpels!

Ihr seid Freunde der alten NLT? Freunde des Mikromanagements? Ihr sucht eine neue Herausforderung, weil euch die NLT zu leicht war?

Dann spielt doch mal Schicksalsklinge HD 1.36 von Crafty Studios!
hey mate!

the good news: you can change it, but its a bit of work in hex editor. the portraits are stored in the .chr files of your created hero. after the game starts and you save, they will be stored into your savegame and the .chr file becomes unimportant. what you have to do now:

1: create a new hero with the portrait you desire (that can be any portrait of any class and gender, you are not restricted to the portraits of the class you wanna play)

2: open the .chr file of the old hero you want to change in your hex editor.

3: scroll down in the file, around the middle of the file you find a big space of 00 values separating the last big data block. this last big data block, in the german version starting at adress around 0x02D0 mostly with 20202020, is the portrait file.

4: copy all the code from the beginning of the 202020 values till the end of the file

5: after backing up your save file, open it in the hex editor and search for exactly that code. if you find it, that is the portrait of your hero in the save. make sure to search all passages in the file containing the code, sometimes the portrait is stored in two places in a savegame.

6. open at a second window the .chr file of the hero with the target face.

7. find and copy the portrait data as you did in step 3 & 4

8. replace the marked code in your save file with the data from the target portrait code.

9. you must check the beginning and end of the inserted code. if its not starting and ending at exactly the same point, you did something wrong and your savegame won't work properly anymore.

hope that helped you :-)

@Lippens die Ente, yes I’m also not sure. But German items hex-codes work for English version, so I guess the portraits codes might work for both versions as well.
Yes, you can change a lot even with more user-friendly savegame editors listed here: You can get your heroes drunk, unconscious, petrified, intoxicate them with nine types of poisons, infect them with rabies!.. But all I want is pretty faces (and it turns out that I’m the only one who wanted it so far). I must be weird, lol.

@guitarjohnny, I should have waited for your reply. It took me a while to figure it out by myself. I’ve even pointed out that 20 20 20 stand for black color. :) I didn’t make any important saves yet, so I just copied the lower block from one *.chr file to another. And then I just picked the modified heroes from the temple, and now they all look fine. Yay!

I’ve made a list of standard portraits hex-codes. So if you decide to publish it or just use to search/replace faces in *.chr or *.gam files, it’s attached to the first post. Thank’s a lot for your help!
(13.02.2015, 05:28)Protoss schrieb: I’ve made a list of standard portraits hex-codes. So if you decide to publish it or just use to search/replace faces in *.chr or *.gam files, it’s attached to the first post. Thank’s a lot for your help!

Thank you for the file, Protoss. :) Glad to hear that Johnny could help.
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